HIV symptoms are far and wide, and you should always stay on top of what is happening to you. If you realise that you have more than a few of these symptoms happening to you at the same time, then it is time to go to your doctor and get yourself checked. It is best to stay safe, than risking manifestation of the virus to an advanced stage. We suggest that you go for health check-ups regularly, but if you can’t, then go at least when the going starts to get tough. Here in this article, we have looked into symptoms of HIV that occur in women and those symptoms that are commonly ignored.

  1. Early Bird

Like the early bird, these symptoms seem absolutely harmless. As soon as you contract HIV, you should start getting a mild flu-like symptom with fever, cough and cold. That combination as such is quite common, but if you have indulged in sexual intercourse recently, then it should be a spot of worry. Most people don’t show advanced symptoms for years, so it is best to get yourself checked as soon as you are aware that your body is responding to something after coitus.

  1. Skin

Your skin is among the first organs that react to HIV. Rashes start to form on the skin and unless you have had an allergic reaction to something such as pollen or a bug bite. We suggest that you go see your doctor and explain to him or her that you have had flu-like symptoms followed by skin rashes. Along with skin rashes, it is also quite common to get skin sores. Skin rashes and sores when occurring together need to be checked by a dermatologist, ASAP.

  1. Swollen Glands


HIV, when it starts to spread, is counteracted by the body’s immune system. The immune cells are stored in the lymph nodes, and they start working overtime. If you feel that lymph nodes are enlarged in any way, then it is because the nodes are working on high throttle. So if you feel that any of your glands or nodes are enlarging, then go to your doctor and get a blood work done to ensure that it isn’t life altering or life-changing in any way.

  1. Night Sweats

Low-temperature fevers are common with people suffering from HIV, but this is never headed any concern because fever is quite common. To distinguish this from a regular fever, you will get night sweats. Night sweats will start interfering with your system and result in insomnia or disturbed sleep.